Timmy students overcoming pandemic challenges to make an impact
Dear Timmy Supporters,
The impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic has been evident and navigating life amid the pandemic has been challenging for everyone. College students around the world have been particularly affected by the pandemic. In the Spring of 2020, campuses closed abruptly, and students were sent home with so many unknowns on when they would return. In the Fall of 2020, there was still a lot of uncertainty about what the school year would bring. Despite the unknowns, many students chose to return to the campus where ever-changing COVID-19 policies, consistent testing, and tracing measures would shape their experience and campus life. At the same time, others decided to remain at home and learn virtually but were disconnected from their campus community. Whether remote learning, hybrid learning, or entirely in-person, students faced the daily challenge of learning while managing their health and safety.
While this shuttered many student groups for the year, Timmy chapters leaned into the opportunity and adapted to support the work of Timmy and its impact on their local communities. Timmy chapters raised over $20k to help the partner sites they are connected to. Chapters not only fundraised for Timmy partners, but they also hosted events virtually and in person to advocate the particular challenges facing the communities served by partners. The chapters did not stop there; they worked hard to serve their local communities as well. Students at Southern Illinois and Eastern Carolina held food drives to address food insecurity in their local communities. Purdue University students organized a mental health and domestic violence awareness event for peers on their campus. Chapter leaders across the country took part in various local health outreach efforts that served immigrant and refugee communities, and those experiencing homelessness, providing COVID-19 vaccine access. Around every corner, Timmy students were innovative in the face of the immense challenges this year brought to everyone. Words cannot express how inspired we were at Timmy by the work of our students on their campuses and in their communities.
Timmy students from Purdue University ready for the Spring 2021 semester.
Timmy students from East Carolina University collaborating with a local food pantry to address food insecurity for students in their community.
While they were adapting to impact their communities, our team at headquarters was making a host of new changes to chapter programming. With no travel opportunities for students, we still wanted to offer meaningful experiences for chapter leaders. In the Fall, Timmy staff worked with students to organize a speaker series titled Global Health Heroes that identified and celebrated grassroots leaders in global health. Chapters launched their Global Health Heroes series within their chapters to highlight global health leaders within their context. Timmy also created its inaugural Emerging Leader Cohort, which focused on leadership development for Timmy students. Students participated in these offerings and continued to contribute in so many other ways.
We finish one of the most challenging academic years in the last century inspired and motivated by the work of our students. Their support and presence pushed us at Timmy to continue to develop opportunities to connect them to the larger vision of addressing global health challenges.