Guangaje, Ecuador
About Guangaje
Guangaje is in the Ecuadorian Andes Mountains near the Volcanic Crater of Quilotoa and sits at 9,800 ft. - 14,300 ft. above sea level. It comprises 36 communities with a total population of approximately 7,500 people. Over 95% of the population in the area is indigenous and speaks their native language, Kichwa. The main economic activities in all communities are farming and shepherding. Some are able to sell their crops or cattle, yet the majority barter with other communities to get their basic resources.

Barriers to Healthcare:
Language barriers
Limited healthcare resources
Low quality transportation
What’s happening in Guangaje?
We support this site through clinical care at the local health center. Your donations help patients receive care, transportation and purchase medications.
Clinical Care
We support the local health center through transportation and financial support for medication and supplies in order to provide primary care medical attention to all patients.

Local Team
We don’t currently have a local Timmy team in Guangaje, but we support our partners’ team with the necessary resources to carry out their work.
Dr. Henry Moreta
Family doctor
Dr. Elizabeth Moreano
Health Center Director
Meet our Partner
Guangaje Centro de Salud
Timmy Global Health and Guangaje Centro de Salud have been in partnership since October 2016. We work directly with the Ministry of Health’s local healthcare facility in Guangaje, which oversees the care of patients in all communities in the Guangaje region. When patients need care beyond what the clinic can provide, Timmy supports the clinic in referring patients to private specialists such as Praaxis Clinic, Laser Clinic, Uromedik, and The Vision for All Foundation in Latacunga and Pujili, or to Padre Jose Carollo Hospital in Quito.